I am sure anybody who is working and travelling in bangalore must have noticed a jazzy looking red volvo bus around the city. Well this bus was introduced by BMTC in January.
Today I had my first journey in the bus and I must say I am impressed. The rates are not too high when you compare them to an auto or city taxi. Yes they are higher than the normal BMTC buses but I feel the difference is quiet nominal.
Let me describe the experience.
I stand at my stop (JP Nagar) as usual around 8:30 waiting for "that" empty bus which will take to my office without hassles.And I see this red bus approaching with a electronic scrolling number plate which reads "2" . The bus stops and the doors open (doors to the heaven!) and conductor dressed prim and proper in a white uniform yells "Majestic".I know in my heart that this goes to my destination yet I go and ask him "Does this go to so and so stop?" .He says "Yes madam". The exact thoughts in my mind at that time were "Let me try it this once and see how much it costs and generally go thru the experience".
I get into the bus and pleasent music welcomes me along with cool air coming out of the AC.
I find my favorite window spot (Yes like everyone I am also obsessed with window seats! :-) )
The change I had in my hand (9 rs to be exact) ,which I keep before hand to buy my ticket before boarding the bus , I put it back into my purse thinking that the price of the ticket is going to be too high!
I take a new 50rs note from my wallet and hand it over to the conductor.He smiles and tells me everybody in the bus are giving either 100 or 50 notes (I think all are thinking like me!) and he has no change left.I ask him how much is the ticket and he tells me 15rs.I was like wow!! this is cool.I give him the change he wants .
An uncle sitting in the opposite seat smiles at me with a nod and tells me "I dont mind spending few extra Rupees for this"! I agree with him.
We come to Jayanagar stop and the busdriver announces in mike "Jayanagar 4th block ". It is ala USA style . Many approach the bus ,some climb without asking anything to the comductor some ask the price and then get into the bus. One guy almost gets in and then decides not to booard this bus!(India is diverse you see!)
I reach my stop in flat 20 mts and I am not sweating or pushed by anyone.
My stop comes and I get down.I feel very happy :)
Well that was my experience .Now what I feel is BMTC should continue this service and I am sure many will like it and will at least try it.It is for people like me who doesn't mind spending an extra Rupee but definitely not too much.(Especially to auto wallahs)
It is a good deal for me!
I know that this kind of service called "City Liner" and "City Express" was started in Andhra Pradesh Govt and was discontinued much to our disspaointment .
I hope this doesnt happen to Bangalore.
So all the Bangaloreans who travel by bus please please try this bus (It is not expensive at all!)
So much for a BUS!